Friday, April 29, 2011

sesuatu yang kita xtau...

aduh..dah lama aku nk update pasal ni...sebenarnya aku nak share sesuatu... info ni aku dapat dalam kelas International Trade and Finance... hhahaaha ni aku nak upload gmbar bende ni....

hahahaha pasal ni...
lecturer aku ada citer gak...sesuatu disebalik semua ni..
nasib je aku xrakam semua yang dia cakap...
ni gambar asal...
yang aku nk citer nya gambar yang aku dah edit SIKIT ni....

dah cukup besar ker?
aku takut korang  xnampak...
tapi, kalau korang xnampak, korang try search kat google ek?
Mr Google sentiasa ada untuk menolong para pelajar 
yang suka copy and paste
macam aku ni....


ok, kalau perasan, gambar kat atas tu aku dah bulat kan sikit tentang bende yang aku nk cakap ni

1- ada lambang 1 mata di atas piramid tu... (lambang mata yang 1 adalah salah satu lambang freemason, seperti yang aku search dalam google.. kalau di zoom in kan lagi gambar tu, ianya akan jadi macam ni

hahahaha dah nampak ek????????  yesss...

lagi satu berkaitan dengan piramid di atas lautan ni...lecturer aku cakap ianya bermaksud kejahatan yang phak jewish cuba pengaruhi...huhuhu


ok...yang ni...fokus kepada yang mcm gambar burung tu... kat atas tu kan gambar bintang... kn????? kalau korang search dengan Mr Google, dia akan tunjukkan petunjuk tentang bende ni..huuhu
xtau macam mana nak search??????? alamak!!!!!!!!!
i) type kan perkataan FREEMASON kat laman google tu,
ii) convert dr web, ke image....
then press enter....

ada banyak lambang2 diorang....gambar2 ni pun aku dapat dari Mr google gak... boleh dikatakan Mr google ni macam pakwer ke dua aku lepas Cinta jantung hati aku...hahahaha 


ni last la ek? dah panjang bebenor dah ni... kalau dikira memang panjang pun... ari tu dalam kelas, lecturer aku bercerita pasal USD1 ni sahaja pun dah dekat setengah jam... dia ni memang anti dengan jewish ni.... kiranya kuat agama jugak la..kaji bende2 ni semua.... tp personaliti dia biasa2 je...aku suka lecturer ni...
nama dia En Ghazali bin Ab Rahman...

ok, yang last is.. kalau korang kira gambar daun tu...xsilap ada 13 semuanya...tau apa maksud 13????? aku pun xtau...hahaha tp apa2 yang berkaitan dengan 13 ni, macam xelok jugak lah... lecturer ada bagi contoh kalau kontraktor Cina pun, nak bina bangunan dia xkan buat tingkat/paras 13...dia akan buat floor 12, then 12A, after that terus skip ke floor 14...
tu je ah antara yang aku ingat...huhuuh

last, aku nak jawab...KENAPA USD1 sahaja????????????? cuba fikir positif, 1dollar, ramai org boleh pegang duit sebanyak itu kn? kanak2 pun boleh pegang.. so, dia nak latih mentaliti budak2 tu, dengan gambar 2yang macam ni... kalau duit dollar yang lain mana ada...uhhuhuhu
persoalan utama yang mungkin tiada jawaban????? kenapa International trade menggunakan duit yang ada unsur2 macam ni sedangkan umat islam adalah umat yang terbesar di dunia ni? kan?
jawapan yang aku boleh bagi is... Sebab Takut Kena Bom Dengan US...hahahahaha

ok????????? done! tiba2 malam ni aku nak berdakwah...hehehehe kepada pembaca sekalian...renung2 kan lah...hehehe

untuk info lain...kamu semua boleh rujuk pada Mr Google.. sy ada jumpa beberapa info..
antara nya yang ini  atau juga yanglagi satu....  try la ek??????
kalau ada salah dan silap...jangan marah....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


seriously, i don't know whether lecturer had take the marks or not for this blog..i want to update this blog, but worried if my name and my matric number will go down deeper so that he will not found it..aduh. so how i'm gonna update all this? well, am i need to give my full name and my matric number again? aduss...

allright, my name is Siti Norsaidah binti Mohd Azimi and my matric number is 195751

actually i just get frustrated. this all because of my activities report.
1- i am late finishing my report
2- had a new format that i just knew
3- my jobs is halfly wrong

for a month i really get trying to find a time to finish my report..but at last, i need to edit it back..i don't like to do the same job twice. enough for this sem...later on i don't want to be a secretary of the project anymore. even don't want to be a leader anymore.. i'm fail in leading...

dalam tengah- tengah frust ni, aku amik kesempatan yang dah lama aku nk buat...ahahaha guess what? nk belajar edit gambar...ahhaha tu yang penting. dah lama siot aku nak belajar bende alah ni. ingat senang ke nk wat? kalau xkreatif jangan mimpi lah...hahha UPS!!!!!!!!!!! aku xcakap aku ni kreatif ek? but i'm try to get kreatif. tp kan sometimes, cara pengambilan gambar tu penting gak..kalau x, macam mana nak jadi cantik gambar tu...huhuhu yang aku bengantu ... KADANG - KADANG ler aku dah post canteek dah...tiba- tiba orang yang snap tu pulak xpandai amik. aish! memang ah..jadi xcanteek la bro..

lagi satu yang penting!!!!!! hahahahha kalau dah tang edit tu dah cantik, tang snap dh kalau MODEL gambar tu xcanteek, so memang xcanteek la jugak...hahahah huh!!!! aku pun xcantik aku rasa mcm xlayak la plak nak berbicara pasal model ni...hahaha
tapi pape hal pun... bergambar tetap menjadi hobi akuuuuu...even aku ni xcantik..hahaaha teet!!!

antara hasil editing aku tadi...xtau la kalau xcantik bg aku dah ok kot...huuhuhu

 yang ni, aku rasa dh macam bukan diri aku yang sebenar dah
sebab nya muka tu
dah lari benar dari muka aku yang sebenar
kalau la muka aku tu secantik ini.....
hehehehehe sukeeeee
ngeeee ~ ~
 yang ni ker???? ok x? adoiyai... hehehe 
bosan asyik gambar aku jer
aku letak gambar si dia pulak...
itu jer lah kenangan yang ada
susah sangat nak mencipta kenangan dengan dia ni....

 yang ni lagi satu... 
putih melepak...
dah xsama macam muka aku jugak..
huhuhuu itu lah aku, aku xsuka sangat edit gambar sebab ni lah
muka dah jadi lain
xsama macam muka aku...
yang xcantik pun jadi cantik....

ni lah gambar first yang aku start edit tadi...
hehehehehe.. tengah meroyan orang kata
aku sekarang ni perasaan macam nak kawen jer..
tapi mcam xmungkin la kan...
apa2 pun impian tu ada...
xsalah menanam impian...hehehehe
tweng tweng (^^,)

Thursday, April 14, 2011


huh! lucky for me because i had read the instruction in the learningzone  about the criteria that is needed in this assigment...guess what? i forgot to put in my full name and my matric number.... aish!

i want to provide a little bit info about me..hehehe
 my name is : Siti Norsaidah binti Mohd Azimi
matric number : 195751
came from Kelantan but was born in Besut Terengganu
age?????? naahh...
what else????????
now i am in 4th semester and will finish within another year (hopefully)
my wish?????????
i hope i can get A for this STID1103 
group  A
BUT not for A only... must got A with the skills that have been teached in this class
tweng tweng (^^,)

th newest picture that i have?????????

that's all......

end or not?????????

this another 5 minutes, i will submit my url to my lecturer through email..hmm i'm not ready, even my blog got the widget, but it's too heavy to's take time..i afraid that it will reduce my mark..

my life????????? still pack. huh! this friday i got another event, which is Secangkir Kasih Sekalung Budi.. this is about having a time with OKU, well, i don't know what to say, the progress is still going in..which i thought it supposed to be settel by tomorrow at noon. but if it still in progress we might have a problem. well we will see.

another story????? about what? i think i don't have any story right now. because my head is just like want to explode..

actually, i just finish crying.. (itu pun nk ckp)  not because of missing my family, but it because of him. i miss him a lot. why we can't being together again?  that was i thought just now...then, my mind moved to my activities here. i think that i had fail in doing my job.. why is that my mistake is always being an example to another student? is that means that i'm not  good? my job's quality is reducing? huh!!! i can't think anymore. and what i can do is just crying....

i will blame myself for every mistake that i had done..but plss
plssssss forget my mistake and i will come out with a better job....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

my exam shedule draft one

this is my first draft for my final exam..fuh!!!!!!! can i say that i'm not ready to take a final exam....i'm not in the good mood to take exam right now..i'm still frustrating about my the way, it is really hard to go through for my schedule, and luckily this night i'm not really busy, and at last, i can build a new table to draw out my exam..huhuhuhu

and now? this is my final exam for this semester.... hopefully i can do it well in my final exam...
i am really hope for this semester i got a good gred, because this semester i only got 6subject...huuhuhu

Tarikh Masa Tempat Subjek Group Lecturer
07/05/2011 9:00 am DMAS STID1103 A Mohd Tarmizi
09/05/2011 9:00 am DMAS BWBB3043 A Pn Zunarni
12/05/2011 2:30 pm DMAS BPMM1013 E En Hasnizam
13/05/2011 9:00 am DTSO BWBB3063 A En Ghazali
18/05/2011 9:00 am BK3(FWB)GLUL3093 A Pn Azlin Namili
23/05/2011 8:30 pm DTSO BWBB3033 B Pn Zunarni

Monday, April 11, 2011

once again on me!!!!!!

argh!!! once again, mr. stress come to me and proposed to be with me for this couple of week. i hate you mr stress.. please stay away from me..please.... i am begging you...go away... huhuuhu

this week, i had past my banking law;s exame, and i don't know what is the best result for me.. then after this, this coming thursday i need to submit an individual assigment of international trade and finance, others needs to submit this blog by email.hopefully i will not miss overlook this one again.. then on 15th april, need to attend the project that i involve, after that on 16th april is time for quiz of my KOKEY...hahaha (my last semester for KOKEY)...than, make some gap to study a bit for International Banking on 19th april..fuh!!!!!!!!!! (last midsem)
after that on 21st april is for third assigment of STID of power point. lastly my last project for this semester  which is Darbian Day on 22nd april.

how????? i want to focus on my study???? 
how i want to manage my quizes???????
and how i want to make a better midsem?????????
please i need a time...
give me an extra time please...

Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i got time to do all this thing??????????????
talk about time...hahaha in my last class for today, i sat next to this guy, he came from same matric and now in the same course. had a talk with him, since he is JKPS for his DPP, so my friend and i ask him how he manage his study.. he said just like everyone.. then i ask him, how much he get for his SIRA and he answering "baru 52 sira" huh?????!!!!!!!!!!!! we were shock.. he said BARU!!!!!!!!! i only got 15 SIRA since i study in UUM..pergh!!!!!!! he is really awsome! then we ask one more thing that quiet important... what is you pointer for last semester... and know what kind of answer he give us???? he said.. "aku dapat 3.33 je" uh????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is really great.. we were really got shock when he used the word JE!!!!!!!!

pergh! he is really great.. idon't know how he manage his time.. what about his girlfriend? what about his social life? what about his like and interest?
and he also said that he always sleep at 5 am and get to class on 8am.. just a little time he take for sleep?
if that happen to me and mira.. i think all class at 8 am will be finish!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


huh!!!!!!!!!!!!! i might have headache for this semester....this is all because of her! huh what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't know why, i'm always blamming you for every mistake that happen in my life.. i can see that you are not happy with my presence in your life.. you always not satisfied whatever i got, whatever i have.. i hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eventhough u also give me a lot of help, but in the same time you make me down, u make my mistake, and now, i don't know why, i feel really bad. you get me down! please.... i don't want to see you anymore.. after all this thing setel, i don't want to work with you anymore.
 stay away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hate youuuuuuuu.............

i'm really sorry if u are walking to my blog and read about this, i am really sorry. but my insteam said it like this, my feel might go wrong, but only you know what you have done to me. i am not saying all this stupid thing just because i hate you, but i can't accept all this thing anymore.. i can't bear it anymore. you always show that u are the perfect one and others is always wrong. if you don't like me, please...with my pleasure, go away from my life, don't bother me anymore... please....
i'm begging you....

I HATE YOU!!!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011


on 14 april 2011 i need to submit this blog to my lecturer.. i think i'm not ready yet to submit. because this blog is not perfect yet. my post is not much as i target. this is because of my limited time to update. i am really busy to get this. i think this semester is really terrible. i also don't know why. bad thing that i made for this semester that, i loose 3 paper for midsem.. all this because of project that i involve in my DPP.if for midsem i don't get it serious, so do for quizess..

i don't know how to manage my time.. my schedule is really full. i can see that a really big different with last semester. this sem, i don't get time for fun..last sem, after class at 5 i will get a rest maybe for 1hour and a half, but now? no time at all.. at night, i always leave my roomate for a meeting. every night i got a meeting. aq pun xtau apa yg di meeting nya.. hahahahha

i think, HEP not need to limit minimum 87 project per year for each DPP.. it's really give tired to your student. yess i know, it may give practice for us to communicate to other people outside, but it's too much.. and as i can see student who are involve with this programme only the same student.. ok let me story.. last a few night i got meeting for project KPP, i am working with teet, teet, teet,teet.. then, for last night, i got meeting for SDMN, i also work with the same person. a few project with the same person, and sometime when we disscuss about a project, we might confiuses which project we are talking about.

i got a friend that honestly admit at me say that, she already not interested to study, and she likes to do this job, communicate to other people, dealing with other party for project, is this an objective that HEP want us to be? i don't know how to pull my friend get it back to a right way.. because this is to much.. i don't know why i involve in all kind of things.. when a friend offer me a job, i always said yes, i can. all this because i don't want to get them hurt and hard to find another people to be their AJK.. otherwise, when they are offering me a job, i can see that, they like the way i do my job.

and the other thing that be a problem for us, is participant.. project for DPP is still going on until study week. yup! last project that i get is 22nd April 2011.
i don't know how to find a participant.. and i am really sure that they will get back earlier especially for senior. i think the most active for DPP is 4th semester.. even 2nd semester is still having some honeymoon in here. there also a senior that adviced me not to get too active that may affect my study and my assigment, but she isn't understand. if  student like me don't do all this thing, who else will do?

now, because of all this stupid thing, it affect my result... for STID midsem, i only got C.. it is an easy subject.. but got C only. i need to cover for final..but as i can see, until study week i got a project. then?? how i can cover 6 subject in 7days?????????????
IT'S REALLY HEART ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i admit, i may do a good job in activities, but i'm such a looser in my acedemic...

AM I?????????????????????

Monday, April 4, 2011

aq seorang yang hebat...

waaaaaahhh mesti nyampah kn?bila tgk ayat tu..wakakakkakaka aq bukan sengaja nk post tajuk aq nk citer suka duka aku hari ni yang sangat tragik..hahaaha.. semalam besday aku, baru jer aku wish nk sambut bersama dia maybe next time, guess what??? i got something in the opposite. mlm tu jugak dia gaduh dgn aku. ptg td..lepas balik kelas, dia massage dengan aku..mungkin dalam bentuk pergaduhan. dan aku plak?masa tu memang dah terlalu emosi, aku xsangka aku ucapkan kata2 putus pada dia.

fuh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mula2 memang rasa lega dah ucap gitu, tp dalam 5minit kemudian air mata mengalir.. seriusly, aku betul2 sayang kan dia, dan dia pergi dari ku untuk kesalahan yang bukan daripada aku. xpelah, mungkin aku salah di mata dia. lg pun sebelom ni dia nampak memang dah xtahan sangat dgn aku. agaknya aku sangat teruk. pas tu aku terus off fon. aku tidur semahunya. tp aku xmampu nak makan panadol sebab aku sedar mlm ni banyak benda aku kena wat. aku tidur kul 630 ptg, kul 8 mlm dah bangun. aku mandi solat maghrib,masuk je bilik, aq agak terperanjat tau?ada 1 bar coklat cadburry atas meja..rupanya rumate aku bagi...huuhuhuhuhu terharuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. lepas solat aku terus keluar pergi mengejar paper meeting.

dalam meeting tu mcm biasa bla bla bla..habis kul 10.03mlm. dan aku berkejar untuk meeting dgn KPP under hassan. dalam tu aku dah lewat so memang xtau apa2. guess what? aku masuk dengan otak kosong..hahahahahaha aku xpernah jadi mcm tu.dalam otak fikir bila nak habis ni.aku nak kejar ke cafe nk beli nasi. tp korang tau apa jadi? kul 11 MT KPP kena jumpa dengan pengetua plak.. adesssssssssssss

aku sempat beli teh panas jer..kalau nk beli nasi tu memang xsempat lah. then sementara tunggu kak ina tgk bajet utk report projek aku tu, aku tgh layan perut yang xmampu berkompromi lagi..hahahaha
xpe, aku dah biasa mcm ni. ini lah akibat nya bila aku putus cinta..hahahahaha

dah tu kul 11.15 tgh meeting dgn pengetua.. datang plak budak grup aq nk antar assigment. memang biadap ah aku rasa, aku kuar gitu je. pas amik assigment tu, aku masuk bilik dgn muka slumber jer.hahahha pengetua lak banyak cakap, kul 12.30 td habis..lepas tu, jumpa plak dengan kak ina nak sambung pasal bajet aku tadi.dah lepas kak ina, sambung lak dengan waheeda. aduh...kul 1 lebih kot baru naik bilik.. then dah cuci muka, solat, pakai krim bagai...pergh! baru leh baring atas katil..enaknya rasa. yang td nya aku off fon, baru buka.. sbentar kemudian.. teet teet
itu lah mssg last dia bg kat aku..xpelah. dh terlanjur kata xmampu di tarik balik. andai itu mampu membahagiakan dia..aku terima seadanya.. sekarang ni..strategi untuk lupakan dia adalah dengan menambah kan lagi kesibukan aku. sekarang pun dah cukup sibuk, sekarang aku trima lagi projek under kelab penyayang. walaupun aku bukan ahli, tp diorang nk trima aku..jadi aku amik je projek tu..hahaahaha

so????????? boleh x kalau aku kata yang aku ni hebat?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaaha

ermmm boleh x kalau aku nak wish yang aku akan berada di depan tu..untuk jadi lead satu hari nanti?hahahhaha paper meeting dah banyak sem ni..
tgk la nanti sira aku tu ada berapa...
datang sini untuk kejar sira... 
bila putus cinta
kui kui kui

Sunday, April 3, 2011

my buffday

fuh... my buffday.. ermm pada mlm tu memang hambar jer rasa..becoz my fren make it quiet and do not wish at me.. i also do not sign in into facebook.. i don't want to get frust becoz of this... so i make it like a normal life..
if i still have my tagged 's account.. i'm sure must be a lot of wishes i can get from there..

by the way, i still happy becoz..he still remembered at me. and he is the first person wished me for my besday.. which is sharp on 1200 am on 2 april... but still not satisfied, becoz from the first year we met, until now, we don't get a time to celebrate..even his buffday or my buffday or our anniversarry... i don't know why it is happen..

but this a few hours ago, my friend had ask me to go to our friend's room which is after 2 or 3 romms from mine. i thought it is really important and urgent becoz she had rushed and make me feel to get hurry to reach there.
once i enter the room, all my friends were there singing happy besday's song for me...i'm really get touch.. i don't know when did they buy all that foods...from marry brown wooo.. then we were eating together...story2... a lot of lough...and very happy..but we can't shoot a photo becoz all of us is quiet sexy...hahhhaahahahahah
so... eventhough it is simple..but i really get touch..becoz they still remembered my buffday..huhuuhuhu

wish 1 day, he will give me a cake like this..
i must be surprised for it,,,becoz we had never celebrate for our special day...
miss u a lot...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Grooming workshop..

kwang kwang!!! huhhuu lama betul dh rasa x ber blogging (walhal baru 3hari)..ahhahaha bukan apa, actually i am a little bit busy with the newest project which is Grooming Workshop..wahahaha this event had invited Herliza Helmi and Hafiz Hamidun as our VIP, well they are all really friendly and nice to be together..a lot of picture i had shoot with them. i am really enjoy with this project eventhough i have a lot of job and quiet busy to handle it, but still have a time to get picture with them.
all of this is the picture from my handphone..and i got a folder in my lappy.eheheheh

hehehehe hopefully you all don't be jealouse with me..huhuhu
it is just like a luck to be beside of him and her...
artis la katakan...huhuhu
well, love both of them..


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