Friday, April 8, 2011


on 14 april 2011 i need to submit this blog to my lecturer.. i think i'm not ready yet to submit. because this blog is not perfect yet. my post is not much as i target. this is because of my limited time to update. i am really busy to get this. i think this semester is really terrible. i also don't know why. bad thing that i made for this semester that, i loose 3 paper for midsem.. all this because of project that i involve in my DPP.if for midsem i don't get it serious, so do for quizess..

i don't know how to manage my time.. my schedule is really full. i can see that a really big different with last semester. this sem, i don't get time for fun..last sem, after class at 5 i will get a rest maybe for 1hour and a half, but now? no time at all.. at night, i always leave my roomate for a meeting. every night i got a meeting. aq pun xtau apa yg di meeting nya.. hahahahha

i think, HEP not need to limit minimum 87 project per year for each DPP.. it's really give tired to your student. yess i know, it may give practice for us to communicate to other people outside, but it's too much.. and as i can see student who are involve with this programme only the same student.. ok let me story.. last a few night i got meeting for project KPP, i am working with teet, teet, teet,teet.. then, for last night, i got meeting for SDMN, i also work with the same person. a few project with the same person, and sometime when we disscuss about a project, we might confiuses which project we are talking about.

i got a friend that honestly admit at me say that, she already not interested to study, and she likes to do this job, communicate to other people, dealing with other party for project, is this an objective that HEP want us to be? i don't know how to pull my friend get it back to a right way.. because this is to much.. i don't know why i involve in all kind of things.. when a friend offer me a job, i always said yes, i can. all this because i don't want to get them hurt and hard to find another people to be their AJK.. otherwise, when they are offering me a job, i can see that, they like the way i do my job.

and the other thing that be a problem for us, is participant.. project for DPP is still going on until study week. yup! last project that i get is 22nd April 2011.
i don't know how to find a participant.. and i am really sure that they will get back earlier especially for senior. i think the most active for DPP is 4th semester.. even 2nd semester is still having some honeymoon in here. there also a senior that adviced me not to get too active that may affect my study and my assigment, but she isn't understand. if  student like me don't do all this thing, who else will do?

now, because of all this stupid thing, it affect my result... for STID midsem, i only got C.. it is an easy subject.. but got C only. i need to cover for final..but as i can see, until study week i got a project. then?? how i can cover 6 subject in 7days?????????????
IT'S REALLY HEART ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i admit, i may do a good job in activities, but i'm such a looser in my acedemic...

AM I?????????????????????

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